LDA Mission Statement

To promote the protection and enhancement of Detroit Lake


Lake Detroiters Board of Directors meet at 4PM the second Monday of the month at LaBarista.  Meetings are open to the public.

Please contact us at info@lakedetroiters.com for questions or to confirm meeting time/place

LDA Board Members - June 2024 to June 2025

  • Leon Senn - President
  • John Cox - Vice President
  • Dick Hecok - Secretary
  • John Flynn - Treasurer
  • Brad Wimmer
  • Ross Gonitzke
  • Brian Korbel
  • Jamie Skarie
  • Craig Caulfield
  • Patty Molberg
  • Carol Lee
  • Cheryl Chivers
  • Melissa Kalberer
  • Nancy Henke


Lake Detroiters:

If you are interested in contributing to LDA's success, please consider becoming an LDA Board Member.

Please contact info@lakedetroiters.com if you are interested in a board position. Terms are for a 3 year commitment.

LDA  Action Committees

Areas of focus for Lake Detroiters includes:

  • Lake Protection and Use, Shoreland Protection (John Cox Chair)
  • Goverment and Community Affairs (Dick Hecock Chair)
  • Annual Meeting and Social (Melissa Kalberer Chair)
  • Beach Captains (Jamie Skari Chair)
  • Social Media/PR (Brian Korbel Chair)

Please contact LDA at info@lakedetroiters.com if you would like to serve on a committee.

2021 LDA Beach Captain Program

Lake Detroiters adopted a revised Beach Captain approach in 2012 in order to facilitate interaction and communication among lakeshore residents, their LDA officers and board members. This approach enables a face-to-face contact between representatives of LDA and residents of the lake.  64 Beach Captains will be leading the 2021 efforts and will be contacting each homeowner to deliver the packet of lake information in preparation for the Annual Meeting to be held on Saturday morning, June 19th, location TBD to accomodate appropriate social distancing.  If you are interested in being a Beach Captain please contact us at info@lakedetroiters.com.

Map of locations for beach captains of the LDA.